Saturday 31 May 2014

Kalia and company (and some cauliflower) badly photographed

I don't use the word 'charming' often but this group was. The menu creation had proved a little challenging including, as it did, meat eaters, wheat free people, vegetarians and the diary averse but the final combinations weren't that kitchen tricky. Mains was the spring rack of lamb for some and charred (new season) asparagus with a celeriac mustard remoulade for others.

I've never seen people fall on my cauliflower with such enthusiasm. Some were even spotted smearing the last molecules from the serving dishes with scraps of Yorkshire pudding. It gladdened my heart. I've blogged the recipe before but I'll include it again for convenience. It comes from Tom Kitchn (was ever a chef better named?).

Cauliflower pureé
Enough for dinner for several people.

The pureé is made by gently sautéing a finely chopped onion in butter until tender - no colour, then adding a whole chopped cauliflower (white only) and covering with milk. Add four whole garlic cloves and boil for fifteen minutes then drain (reserve the milk). Puree with some more butter (naturally) and a little of the reserved milk. Seaon with salt and white pepper to keep the purity of colour. It's a wonderfully textured thing. Velvety.

Look, I'm sorry chaps but my camera work is still pants. The group shot above is OK but the rest below should all be rejected really. It's partly the low light, partly the arrangement. I'd have to shove people out of the way to get better angles. Excuses, excuses. But I've decided I can live with a little motion blur if the picture epitomises the mood.

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