Friday 11 December 2015

Positive Money, at play.

I know this group. I like this group. They're trying to change the world! Positive Money. Young (mainly!), earnest and fiercely smart social campaigners. I went to a 'retreat' in Ambleside with them in August; not for tree hugging or primal screaming (there may have been some of that) but for a weekend of radical economics. Positive Money, a non-party-political group, campaign for a change in the relationship between the banks and the money supply; a change that should make for a much fairer society. I believe them, which is why I'm setting up an Enfield branch in 2016.

But I'm here to blog food not finance so...

This was my first vegan meal, something I'll cover in more detail in another post. Like many serious, professional people they play hard too, usually with the assistance of games-instructor Dora. Mainly this involved paper, pen and personal revelation although things did get a little more physical. I did have to wrestle a garden broom from her hands at one point, despite protests of 'limbo!'. 

One thing that should be noted (by Roxanne) is we had our second and largest human pyramid; this was a  4:3:1 affair.

Enough with the words, on with the show.

That's Ben (in blue) who started the group five years ago.

Graham has just eviscerated a vegan and finds they're made of mainly paper.

You'll notice the pen, not a fork but a pen.
Sylviane, who organised the evening

During the evening, Mira was attacked by a flying mint.
Mira reports the recent chocolate related crime.
Pens and pads: essential equipment for a Positive Money party.

Ben takes a nap, or maybe receives divine instruction.
And finally... the Positive Money Pyramid. It's probably a metaphor for the banking system.
Atop, Mira was laughing too much so she's headless.

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