Tuesday 26 May 2015

Wild garlic gathering (not)

Allium triquetrum 

Oh hell. I've been calling this wild garlic all week. It's not. It's wild onion, sometimes called three cornered leek due to the triangular stem. Allium triquetrum - to clear up any confusion. It's delicious - a mild, sweet spring onion with a small allium bulb root and delicate, edible white flowers.

I'm going to have to break the news to Emma. I rang her up in her capacity as The Food Gatherer. If anyone could find it, she would. Emma also wrote about it and featured a picture of a fat man chewing the cud. She knew (she thought) of a tennis club in the wilds of Winchmore Hill where wild garlic grew in abundance.

I had some in Arbutus, my favourite London restaurant a few weeks ago which is why I knew they were in season (April and May). Then a guest talked about them so I knew I had to embark on a little allium gathering. You can purée the whole thing of course, which I will do, or pestle into a pesto. Here I wanted to use them to garnish my rather splendid new dish of lamb chump.

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