Sunday 6 April 2014

Caroline and the 'reverse Keeler'

Caroline was booked in as a party of ten but after two rather serious phone calls was reduced to a six. This meant they were faced with rather a large joint of pork belly to contend with. There were no complaints. They didn't quite finish it all off.

Not to scale
 My youngest son Etien, on waiter duty that night, was rather thrown to find one of Caroline's guests was Tracey, his primary school teacher. Always a certain tension when serving 'Miss'.

I'd warned them about the group shot and at first, despite my urgings, wanted to go for the standard 'school shot'. I thought we should at least do this properly, with some chairs for the front three. By this time the men had decided they wanted to look mean and moody. And anyway, Tracey changed the look of the thing with her 'reverse Keeler'.

Caroline's front right. Do the men look mean and moody? Not sure they do.
As I suspect will be the case, the set-up shots reveal rather more than the official picture. I love this one. The men still don't look mean though.

And finally, I'm happy to report that there was also a little dancing. Very unusually, the men initiated it with This Charming Man. But here's Caroline and Tracey dancing to Queen.

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